Today just got home from work at
12:30 AM until the house at 01:00 AM, already sleep maybe at 02:00 AM. Not
wrong if I just woke up today at 15:00 PM. Surprised when saw clock was already
at 15:00 PM,,, gosh DRAGON!!, Straight-up buying white rice, through the green bean
porridge store, eventually purchase, but the seller was said that his black
rice was running out, so I was purchasing green bean porridge without black
rice. I take away green bean porridge and white rice to my home, then ate white
rice + shredded (I stored in my home as stock), this is my favorite menu is
eating white rice + shredded,,, slurrrpp :).
After eating white rice and
shredded + green bean porridge I decided to take a shower and then rushed to
the church. Until the Church can not seat inside chuch, finally forced to sit
in front of church using plastic chairs. After returning from church buy the “Terang
Bulan” (The Jakarta people called “Martabak Manis”), and then Martabak Manis become my dinner menu…..Slurrrppp :) :)
Once full,, it turns out there
was still some Martabak Manis, it's gone for tomorrow dehh, after that I was decided
to open a laptop, to make my uncle’s SPT. Coincidence, I had helped to fill my
uncle’s SPT at the last 3 years (Whereas my SPT hasn’t filled yet,, hehehe).
Once finished I was sent the softcopy to my uncle mail. After making SPT, I had
decided to continue reporting (yesterday I was brought office job to home,,
hehe), I was really crazy workaholic,,, actually not a workaholic anyway, but
rather the fate of the children boarding alone without any family in Jakarta . Actually
I have a cousin in Jakarta, but my family relationship is so far, not too
close, so I’m not feel free to interrupt his activities. But sometimes, I spare
my time to his home….hehehe. Back again to the main topic reporting, actually there
is no amount to fill it up to the draft report, because the amount are still
not lock, just prepare the draft, because there is a lot of changes due to the
implementation of PSAK No. 1 (Revised 2009). Usually in notes only contain
general information and accounting policies + other financial information. Now
below General information added standards
change notes, and described any standard that has been implemented and
which have not been implemented by the company. below that standard change notes
there is another new notes, Critical Accounting
Judgement and Estimates, maybe this year is the first time to display these
note, I do not know why, perhaps the effect of going to full adoption of IFRS
in Indonesia, I do not really know.
Then I remembered that I finally
become auditor again, after I had worked approximately 1 year in the common
company as accounting staff (together with continue my study as accountant).
Previously I've become an auditor in one of the second tier Firm in Surabaya.
At that time I also handled draft report as well in here .... also overtimes
until morning, now I also experienced similar ... the difference now reporting
on one of the big four instead of second tier firm again.
I think work in one of “big four”
is very proudly. In big four, before reporting, we had been given Sample Report
(Because the changes to much), so we can imagine how the report will be….this
is very difference with reporting method in my old office, maybe in here (Jakarta),
its more professional than Surabaya, and another reason because I worked up at
one of the fourth biggest firm in the world….hahaha
There are also many changes in
the implementation of PSAK no. 1 (revised 2009), income statement later in
detail where separated where earnings from operations and which other
comprehensive income, so people who see so do not misunderstand.
For information, other
comprehensive income is like:
- Differences from revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets
- Actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit plan are recognized in accordance with PSAK 24
- Gains and losses arising from translation of financial statements of foreign entities
- Gains and losses from remeasurement of financial assets classified as "available for sale"
- The effective portion of gains and losses hedging instruments in order to hedge cash flow.
Other comprehensive income will
later be included in the equity component as other equity component
Other changes due to the
implementation of PSAK no. 1 (revised in 2009), that if we reclassify the
account, then we must present the figures for the three-year financial
position. Suppose we reclassify the account in 2011, then we also have to
reclassify accounts 2010 and 2009. For 2009, in the statement of financial
position changed "to 1 January 2010/31 December 2009"
Other changes now no words of “kewajiban lancar” and “kewajiban tidak lancar”. “kewajiban lancar” changed to “liabilitas jangka pendek” and “kewajiban tidak lancar” changed to “liabilitas jangka panjang”. And all the
words “kewajiban” turned into a "liabilitas". And the word “Hutang” changed to "Utang".
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